UGN Security

I am looking for ideas. My main idea is multiple sites can run this. each site/domain is like a directory. Each site can have thier own games built into it.

You can not register accounts in it yet, but that will change tommorow. This will be a hacker game of sorts. And I started this before any matrix game so don't even start that stuff.

What do you guys think? I plan to make the code available for most commands. But stuff I want to stay secret to rrfn will stay there.

I figure basics should be

and a help section

I plan to tie the news section into it. This is just a fake command line for those of you who didn't know.
oh yea,

start off with the "?" command. most stuff dosen't work yet, but I will be building on to it. Anyone willing to help or wants to tie thier site in and run it on there is welcome. I call it INOS. InterNet opperating system
when I try to view the page I jus get an error. but anyways, what is this supposed to be cause I'm kind of confused. Is this going to be something like a wargame or what? you didn't really talk what the purpose is in the post.
Sounds interesting, how about more details..
yea the error is a bug. It is a fake commandline. It will be a game. It's like this. The page comes up and INOS:% is the command prompt. You have to figure stuff out from there. I plan to build in various levels of access. But no one will be given access. you have to figure out how to get to various sections.

Rember when you first sat down to DOS. You type in a command and WHOA, it did what you wanted. This will do the same, I just need to build more commands.

It is a fake shell/commandline game. Right now there are not multiple levles or even user accounts. But there will be.All that works now are the following

? - lists commands and uses
news - news section half way done
cls - clear ccreen no command line would be complete without it
time - get system date and time
ver - INOS version and rights
getip - echos users I.P. to terminal window
web - web [space] web address of desired site
-h - Get syntax info and other info on a command. syntax[command][space]-h

I am looking for ideas on commands and hidden levels. also what would be cool to tie other sites to.

Oh when the screen comes up just hit tab. the curcor will jump in front of the INOS prompt
dude, thats pretty cool
Thats a great idea = )

Good work.
Yo, learner, check your PMs homie.
The cursor now jumps to the command prompt in Non IE browsers. Anyone now the jscript for focus?
after the time command you need a cr//
I have one error that i found annoying... where you click for the command line area, you have to click perfectly... it's annoying...
You do not have to click for the command line. Just hit tab once. In mozilla the cursor will be there automaticaly. I need to figure out the damn jscript code to do it for IE.


after the time command you need a cr//
not sure what you mean here? do you mean

11/23/2003 - 0800 cr//

lost me. I am sorry
Originally posted by Gollum:
after the time command you need a cr//
err, meant a line break (cr=carriage return)//
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