UGN Security

SEATTLE - Coffee, tea or condoms?

Virgin Atlantic Airways has introduced 1st class double beds on selected flights.

The airline says the beds are designed to let passengers get "closer together" on long haul flights.

The chief guy at Virgin - Richard Branson - says lots of honeymooners fly his airline and he sees no reason why they shouldn't be able to "cuddle up" like they do at home.

Talk about being stacked up over Newark!

In-flight entertainment is taking on a whole new meaning.

I can see the new ad campaign now: "That's not turbulence. It's just the couples up in 1st class."

How about: "Fly Virgin and land not one!"

Call me a prude, but what the hell is the world coming to?

Bad enough we'll soon have to contend with the ceaseless babble of cell phone users while we fly.

Now we've got a major air carrier experimenting with a recruitment drive to get more members in the mile high club.

Couldn't Virgin Airlines just make the bathrooms bigger and spare the rest of us the spectacle, not to mention the indecency?

We don't need the skies to be this friendly.

Get a room.

Better yet, take the train.

Want to share your thoughts with Ken Schram? You can e-mail him at [email protected]

...if they put beds on the plane, doesn't that kidn of elminate the excitement of having sex and not getting caught?
amusing. it wouldn't make the not getting caught part bad. because then you can time sex with turbulence, or maybe even cause turbulence:| for real, your not meant to jump in plains, and heh...jumping is a under statment for some. so it would disrupt airflow, and cause air pockets/ imagine...those normal sexual forms, with flying forms:| they'll call it flying orgasms or some bull [censored] name, and ppl will pay much more for bed flights. look at "the fifth element". an...old sea cruisers, in the 50's or 20's or whatever had beds, I'm positive some ppl were conceived in air. *shrug*.

I think it's good. sex should be accepted, sex is human nature. even if we are over populated. at least that's my humble opinion.
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