UGN Security
Posted By: jada64 Kyocera KX414 - 04/25/06 01:32 PM

Picture caling some one from any number in the world. Well now you can. This is an example of how to mimic a free up or any kyoceria cell phone.

Step one...

Enter programming seq. normally 111111
security code: 868666,531555,000000,111111
one of those numbers should work. If not simpally call up customer srvc and tell them you need to reporgram.

Step 2
go in to NAM 2 settings

goto the number and change your number. press ok then power the phone off. Now on most freeup phones if you go in tonetwork settings you will see like a 000-000-0046 under seccond phone line. Well switch to that but it will be what ever u change the nam 2

now it is all set.And how to get free minutes while you are in Digital Roaming which you will be when you switch phone lines you can place free 1800 calls so just simpally buy a phjone card and call who you want to call with your new number.
What number would i call to reprogram so i can use one of those security codes to use a regular calling card on my phone?
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