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Mac OS X · Archive Entries

AimSniff 1.2 · AimSniff simply gives you the IP of an AOL Instant Messenger user when you make a direct connection with them. All the user needs to do is to make a direct connection with the other user, and once it's made simply click on the sniff button and you wi
Dock Orientation 1.0 · A simple application that will allow a user to move their desktop anywhere on their screen (TOP, bottom, left, or right) with just a simple click of a button. A very simple yet useful tool to make your mac be different than most others.
Heirophant 2.0 · Network utility built for Mac OS X; It is composed of four useful modules that can be run simultaneously: scan, telnet, ping, flood.
Propaganda 1.0 · A powerful email spammer capable of connecting to a SMTP server and send the same email to thousands of random mailboxes. Capable of opening 500 connections at once. Detects timeout's and reconnects the socket. Also has a fast word list generator.
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