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Terrorism and The Hacker · Article

Terrorism & The Hacker
November 19 2001
By Gizmo

I have been online and active in my computer community for 8 years, and I've been around computers my while life. Lately a bill passed in the senate states that for me gaining unauthorized access to computers, systems, etc is considered terrorism.

Now, i speak for the majority of my community when i state that we are not terrorists, were a group of people whom posses a superior intellect and who want to know everything about everything.

You may state that what we do is malicious, and for the most part this is true, however if it wasn't for us and our high demands, AMD and INTEL wouldn't have processors that go at 2+ gig. Linux wouldn't be used if it wasn't for us, just as your computers that you know now wouldn't be as fast, as secure, and people wouldn't be as smart.

We run on a Jedi rule, some of us are Malicious, and some of us are just ones who want to help. Say that i wrote a program such as backoriface, now, you can use this as a server for private use, or you can use it as a way for you to get back into a system at your leisure.

If your security is so bad that you get hacked, keep in mind that it is your own fault, if you can't go through the trouble of making your computer un hackable its your bad, not ours.

Securing a system isn't hard, in windows you just install a firewall, don't install anything you dont need, then you don't have to worry about the likes of us. in Linux, hey if your running it and you can't secure it, use windows.

Now, you compare us geniuses to people like Bin Laden and Al-Gama'at al-Islamiyya (Egypt's largest militant group). But in defense we just want to state, if it wasn't meant to be public and free, it just wasn't meant to be.
Posted By Gremelin Posted on August 17th, 2008 · Updated on December 31st, 2010
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