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October 11th, 2015
The UGN Security v6 rollout has begun; as a part of this new code rollout the site is permanently loaded over SSL for user privacy.

System checks will take a few days to check out, but we're monitoring the web logs and will fix items accordingly as needed. If you spot anything out of place (other than the new home for existing content) please feel free to post here as a response to this blog posting.

I have also just submitted the new URLs/SiteMaps to Google and Bing, it'll take a few mon
[Read More: Rollout]
Well then, it's been quite a while since the site joined the ranks of crickets and everything got pretty stale for a while; I have spent an extensive amount of time on the site backend and decided that, since we're basically relaunching everything that a new design was in order.

Instead of something drab and dark, we decided to go with something bright and professional, with the idea of standardization, mobile, section 508, and ease of use in mind.

The new systems even allow you, the users
[Read More: UGN Security v6 (New Code, New Design!)]
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