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Bulletin Board · FAQ Entries

What are posting icons ? · Depending on the configuration of your forums, you may be able to associate an icon with each post that you make. There are currently 14 icons, each expressing a different emotion or identification. These icons range from a simple note to sadness to
What are Today's Active Topics? · When you visit this message board, you will see a link at the top of the list of forums called Today's Active Topics. Clicking on this link will provide you with a list of topics in all open, public forums that have been posted to during the current
What are user titles? · Each registered member on the forum has a title that reflects his or her rank based on their number of posts in the community. Administrators are given the title Administrator. Moderators are given the title Moderator. Some members are given special
What do I do if I forget my login ID · Retrieving your login ID and password is simple, assuming that email features are turned on for this message board. All of the pages that require you to identify yourself with your username and password carry a lost password link that you can use to
What do the numbers on the details page mean? · Recent Visitors keeps track of the forums and topics that users have viewed recently. This allows a user to appear to be in more than one place at once. The number of recent visitors inside a forum is reflected by the Visitors column. The Popularity
What is a Buddy List? · Buddy lists apply to private messages only. Anyone you add to your buddy list is stored in a handy location, so that you can easily send the person a private message. You can put someone on your ignore list by viewing the member's profile and clickin
What is an Ignore List? · Ignore lists apply to private messages only. Anyone you add to your ignore list can no longer send you a private message. You can put someone on your ignore list by viewing the member's profile and clicking on the add to ignore list link. Private mes
What is Recent Visitors? · Recent Visitors is a display of users browsing the forums and topics on this board in the past 300 minutes.
Why do I appear in more than one place at · Recent Visitors keeps track of the forums and topics you have looked at recently, not where you are at the current moment.
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