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Memoserv Commands · FAQ Entries

MemoServ Delete · Syntax: DEL Number|ALL|READ Deletes one or more of your memos. You can either specify a number from LIST, which will delete a specific memo, ALL, which will delete all of your memos, or READ, which will delete memos you have read.
MemoServ List · Syntax: LIST [Nickname] Shows memos you have received. If you specify a nickname, MemoServ will show memos you have sent to that nickname. You can then RECALL a specific memo you have sent to that user. The first 10 characters of any memo will be sho
MemoServ Read · Syntax: READ Number|ALL|NEW Reads one or more of your memos. You can either specify a number from LIST, which will show you a specific memo, ALL, which will show you all of your memos, and NEW, which will show you only memos you have not read yet.
MemoServ Send · Syntax: SEND Nickname Text Sends a memo to another registered nickname. You must IDENTIFY with NickServ before you can send memos. Memos can only be up to 256 characters in length. If you decide later that you don't want the memo you sent to be read,
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