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BSD+Unix · Linux Distribution Entries

DesktopBSD is a UNIX-derivative, desktop-oriented operating system based on FreeBSD. Its goal is to combine the stability of FreeBSD with the ease-of-use of KDE, which is the default graphical user interface. It is available for the IA-32 (also known
FreeBSD is a Unix-like free operating system descended from ATT UNIX via the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) branch through the 386BSD and 4.4BSD operating systems. It runs on Intel x86 family (IA-32) IBM PC compatible computers, Sun UltraSPARC,
MidnightBSD is a free Unix-like, desktop-oriented operating system based on FreeBSD 6.1. It borrows a lot from the NEXTSTEP graphical user interface. MidnightBSD began as a fork from FreeBSD in 2005. The founder of the project, Lucas Holt, wished to
NetBSD is a freely redistributable, open source version of the Unix-derivative Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) computer operating system. It was the second open source BSD descendant to be formally released, after 386BSD, and continues to be act
OpenBSD is a Unix-like computer operating system descended from Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD), a Unix derivative developed at the University of California, Berkeley. It was forked from NetBSD by project leader Theo de Raadt in late 1995. The p
TrueBSD is a LiveDVD operating system based on FreeBSD ( with many useful applications. All open programs will keep working even when you eject LiveDVD (using command cdcontrol eject) in order to get some data from your own CDs
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