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Simple Wireless Scanner (SWScanner) is an application for Linux environments designed for scanning, configuring, and (in general) managing wireless networks. SWScanner is also a powerful war driving tool, and has a high level of compatibility with NetStumbler, a similar and well-known application designed for other operating system.

* SWScanner uses wireless-extensions.
* Detailed and updated information of signal, noise, and other wireless network parameters of the selected interface.
* GPS integration.
* Possibility of storing network settings of the detected access points.
* Simplifies the associating/dissociating process to an access point.
* Possibility of storing scanned data.
* Simplifies war driving.
* Compatible log data between NetStumbler and SWScanner; i.e.: it is possible to open a text or summary file produced with NS. NS will also recognize log files produced by SWScanner.
* Conversion of log (text or summary) files (from NS or SWScanner) to the well-known an widely used ESRI Shapefile format.
Posted on May 31st, 2014


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