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GParted is an industrial-strength package for creating, destroying, resizing, moving, checking and copying partitions, and the file systems on them. This is useful for creating space for new operating systems, reorganizing disk usage, copying data residing on hard disks and mirroring one partition with another (disk imaging).

GParted uses GNU libparted to detect and manipulate devices and partition tables.

Several (optional) file system tools provide support for file systems not included in libparted.
These optional packages will be detected at runtime and do not require a rebuild of GParted.

GParted is written in C++ and uses gtkmm for its Graphical User Interface (GUI). The general approach is to keep the Graphical User Interface as simple as possible. Every attempt was made to conform to the GNOME Human Interface Guidelines.

GParted comes under the terms of the General Public License
Posted on May 31st, 2014


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