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Xara Xtreme for Linux

Xara Xtreme for Linux is a powerful, general purpose graphics program for Unix platforms including Linux, FreeBSD and (in development) OS-X.

Formely known as Xara LX, it is based on Xara Xtreme for Windows, which is the fastest graphics program available, period. The Xara Xtreme source code was made available open-source in early 2006, and is being ported to Linux. This process is almost complete and Xara Xtreme for Linux is available for download now.

Xara Xtreme for Linux:
* Is very fast, very slick to use.
* Offers some of the most powerful graphics tools available.
* Is simple to use and learn.
* Has a clean, un-cluttered user interface. Few floating dialogs, palettes, menus etc.
* Is able to create a huge range of outstanding graphics.
* Has a huge resource of learning material, tutorials, movies, tips and a very active enthusiastic and growing user community.
Posted on May 31st, 2014


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