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Gwenview can load and save all image formats supported by KDE, but Gwenview can also browse GIMP files (*.xcf) thanks to the included QXCFI component developed by Lignum Computing.

It correctly displays images with alpha channel, using the traditionnal checker board as a background to reveal transparency.

Gwenview let you accurately control the way images are scaled: you can zoom in and out or automatically scale the image to fit the window. You can also lock the zoom factor to keep the same zoom between images.

When browsing JPEG images with EXIF information, Gwenview automatically rotates them according to the EXIF Orientation tag.

It can show image properties and image specific meta-information like Konqueror does.

Since version 1.1.8, Gwenview knows how to show animated images like MNG or GIF.
Since version 1.3.91, Gwenview can also show SVG images and play videos.
Posted on May 31st, 2014


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