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Adobe Premiere

Adobe Premiere Pro is a real-time, timeline based video editing software application. It is part of the Adobe Creative Suite, a suite of graphic design, video editing, and web development applications made by Adobe Systems, though it can also be purchased separately. Even when purchased separately, it comes bundled with Adobe Encore and Adobe OnLocation. Premiere Pro supports many video editing cards and plug-ins for accelerated processing, additional file format support, and video/audio effects. Premiere Pro CS4 is the first version to be optimized for 64-bit operating system although it is not natively 64-bit.

Premiere Pro is the redesigned successor to Adobe Premiere, and was launched in 2003. Premiere Pro refers to versions released in 2003 and later, whereas Premiere refers to the earlier releases. Although the first two versions of Premiere Pro only supported Windows, Premiere Pro CS3 is available for both Windows and Mac OS (only Intel-based Macs are supported), making it one of the few cross-platform NLEs available.

Premiere Pro is being used by broadcasters such as the BBC and The Tonight Show. It has been used in feature films, such as Dust to Glory, Captain Abu Raed, and Superman Returns (for the video capture process), and other venues such as Madonna's Confessions Tour.
Posted on May 31st, 2014
These *nix packages are similar to Adobe Premiere


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