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DVD Shrink

DVD Shrink is a freeware program for Microsoft Windows that facilitates backing up DVD movies. As commercially-released video DVDs are typically dual layer (8.5 GB), one of DVD Shrink's functions is to re-encode the movie in lesser quality and/or discard extra content such as foreign-language soundtracks so as to fit on a single layer (4.7 GB) DVD.

DVD Shrink is a freeware DVD transcoder focused on ease of use. The application is contained within a single executable file that is a mere 1 megabyte in size. The program features a decryption algorithm and a VBR encoder, and the user is also able to choose how the compression is to be distributed across the DVD. DVD Shrink can automatically re-compress video, to as little as 39% of its original size, depending on the aspect ratio of the original DVD (with a corresponding loss in quality) to allow it to fit on a standard DVD±R(W), a Dual-Layer DVD+R, or any user-defined custom size. When "Deep Analysis" and "Adaptive Error Compensation" options are selected, the quality of the resulting DVD is increased. These options are time-consuming because DVD Shrink runs through the DVD once doing the analysis, and then again doing the encoding. During the encoding it decodes, decompresses, re-compresses and recodes the video.
Posted on May 31st, 2014
These *nix packages are similar to DVD Shrink


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