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Legacy Family Tree

Legacy Family Tree is genealogy software for Windows. The standard edition is distributed as freeware, with no restrictions. Users may pay a fee to "unlock" the additional features in the deluxe edition.

Legacy is a full-featured genealogy program that assists family historians in tracking, organizing, printing, and sharing family history. Both the program and the help files are updated regularly in each of several languages. A printed manual and tutorial videos are available in English; the program and the help files are available in several languages, referred to as international releases.[3] In addition to English (Australian, Canadian, UK and US versions), the Bokmål (Norwegian), Danish, Dutch, German, Nynorsk (Norwegian) and Swedish versions have been released. Teams of volunteers are, in 2008, working on translations to Afrikaans, Finnish, French, Italian, Spanish and other languages.

The software allows groups of people to coordinate their work and track each other's changes. When two files are open, entire lines can be dragged and dropped from one to the other. Multimedia support includes pictures, sound clips, and videos; images can be displayed individually, in slide shows, or as screen savers. The program imports and exports standard GEDCOM files and files from Personal Ancestral File (PAF). Links to the Internet allow searching online databases for any person in the family file.
Posted on May 31st, 2014
These *nix packages are similar to Legacy Family Tree


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