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Hauppauge's principal software offering is a TV tuning and recording application called WinTV2000. It is also distributed with a non-skinned interface under the name WinTV32.

WinTV2000/WinTV32 has other companion applications, including WinTV Scheduler, which performs timed recordings, and WinTV Radio, which receives FM Radio. A recent change of direction has seen the move towards a service-based software package. Card management and recordings is taken care of by the "TV Server" service and EPG data collection by the "EPG Service". These changes allow WinTV2000 to work with multiple Hauppauge cards in the same PC.

In 2007, Hauppauge launched WinTV Version 6 which featured a redesign skin. The new version is skinnable.
Posted on May 31st, 2014
These *nix packages are similar to WinTV


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